The story follows two attractive magicians who are extremely attractive. Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman create the ultimate hot man duo. The two spend their lives trying to outdo each other with their illusions, and Angier (Jackman) goes crazy after Borden (Bale) creates what seems to be the ultimate trick. He dedicates his life to attempting to ruin Borden. David Bowie makes a fabulous appearance as Tesla, an electrical engineer inspired by a real person.
The movie can be frustrating because it is rather depressing and the characters are irrational. However, it's visually stunning and a great brain teaser.
- Overall a captivating film. The magic tricks are a delight.
- It makes you think. It's a great movie to talk about with friends.
- Scarlett Johansson (Bale's love interest) needs to crawl in a hole and die. She can't act.
- To this day, I'm still not sure if I love this movie or just like it. I guess that's a bad thing, but it's certainly made an impression.
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