
children of the revolution

the following is a rather amusing texting conversation i had with the 14 year-old brother (who, for my purposes i shall refer to as "child") of my roommate. we joke of our imminent marriage, which is rather amusing since i am considerably older and dating someone else (who, unlike "child," is old enough that it is legal. i shall call legal boy "bruce wayne"). if it makes the story any better, i just learned that today is child's 14 and a half birthday.

camille: child! i'm so glad i'm going to be married to a state swimmer.
child: aw stop your making me blush! :-">
but you will have to get rid of bruce wayne first, cause he's kinda crampin' my style. and also, i'm not really going for a bigamist marriage.
camille: hm. i think we can make this work. bruce wayne gets weekends.
child: no exceptable, maybe he can have half of every other monday in leap year
camille: that's it. we're through. i'll never forget all the amazing times we had together. farewell, child. my love for you will melt with the snow of spring...
child: wait this will work he can have the second tuesday of every week! and i can also sacrifice the 32nd day of every week!
camille: i'll think about it. g'night, swimmer man.
child: i bid thee good night my fair maiden for when the morrow comes i shall see you again!

"no exceptable." that's my favorite part.

congrats bruce wayne, you win.


Drew said...

good for Bruce Wayne. That lucky dog. Make sure you congratulate him for me.

Elena said...

I like the new look, really fresh and mod yow yow. But ya convro, i give two thumbs up for bruce wayne

Chase said...

I object to his being called "Bruce Wayne". That's my name. I think "Dick Grayson" would fit him better.